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Pre-Blog Progress - Intro To The Project And Classes

Prior to the development of this blog, initial design for Ignition Insignia began so I'm using this first blog post to outline the history of development thus far.

Proof of concept: (It's a little slow)

What is it?

Ignition Insignia is the temporary name for my Sci-Fi themed Fire Emblem game mod for the Lex Talionis Engine, The plan is to develop a multi planet story similar in vain to something along the lines of The Outer Worlds. It will have around 15+ unique classes with 4+ different factions driving the story.


Class Development.

One of the first things that was focused on is designing the animations for each individual class.

As Fire Emblem has class promotions I thought I'd focus on making what I called the "Tier 1" classes first;

Engineer Commander Soldier

Sabre Soldier Renegade Medic

Tank Techie Suppressor

Sharpshooter Juggernaut Sniper

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