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More Work on Maps

I've so far manage to make 3 fully playable levels so far and progress is going steady, been changing a lot of things and improving old sprites, most notably I finally stopped beating around the bush and added sprites I needed to the Desert map sprite sheet.

This Included North facing mountains for more map variation, unified building designs (previously buildings roof heights varied), a full fence set and a new prefab building, the Pub.

I also trained the tileset in FE Map Builder a tool from the FE Universe Forum, with some premade maps and the results were actually pretty exciting, it inspired some new ideas for map building which will help moving forward making new maps for the game.

Additionally with the new tileset I wanted to go back and spruce up the previous two levels I'd made with the new selection of tiles. Most notably was chapter 2's map, it had an aesthetic rework across the whole map which makes it look a lot more interesting and feel a lot more empty. Here's the results;

Old map vs the new map;


I've also created the map for the third level, this time creating an Ecuador settlement. It took advantage of new of the newly added tiles to add that extra little bit of detail which I think goes a long way towards making the map much more interesting to look at.

The objective of this map is a simple survive the oncoming waves type set up so I wanted it to have a clear central point. Enter the new Pub building, note its cool beer sign. Oooh

Anyway, this building isn't just made as a decorative piece for this map, it also holds story relevance as a building the player characters enter so I needed to make an interior sprite sheet for the Pub.

Ecuador Settlement;

And here is the results of said sprite sheet; I think the Pub turned out pretty well considering I was a little unsure how to approach it at first. It's the first interior sprite sheet I've made and I'm happy with the turnout so its set the precedent going forward.

Dingy Ecuador Pub;


Last up, looking forward to future levels I've created two new variations of the Desert Planet sprite sheet. That being the Sunrise/Sunset and Night times of day. I wanted to capture a physical sense of the passage of time to help aid the narrative. I know it's something the Fire Emblem games (GBA specifically if it wasn't obvious) did in places so I'm just taking that idea and running with it.

The main challenge was in the fact that it would have been way too much workload to create a night and evening version the the Unit Map Sprites. So I instead went down the route of trying to capture the time of day in the colours of the sprites, but still making it fit the same Map Sprites used in other levels. The final product of that is below and honestly I think they both still fit really well so I think this idea will work out well.

Sunrise/Sunset Map;

Night Time Map;

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