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Creating a Level - Simple Events

Updated: Jan 26, 2022

So! I now have a decent collection of assets ready to be used in this game but not a lot to show for it so far besides some maps and what not. So I've decided its time to put together a short 2-3 level demo of how I want the game to look.

As I've been creating assets I've been loading them up into the LT Engine as I go.

Things like map sprites, characters and the first tile set are all ready to go, where as currently the item system is very stripped back, only having 1 default weapon type for each class and no working combat animations. But I still wanted to get a feel for what the final product will be like, to help motivate me a bit.

I've created a few functional events so far but at the moment I can only do so much as I have 0 knowledge in coding, let alone Python. With the help of the nicely documented LT Wiki I have been finding ways to make what I want to happen, happen.

Testing "Regions" to make an event occur when the player waits in the area specified;

More Updates coming soon.

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