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Character Portraits Breakthrough

Updated: Jan 17, 2022

So while creating the map sprites I'd been dipping in and out of character portraits on the side. I'd successfully drawn a couple of characters out being Carl and 3B and was fairly happy with their designs, but I knew if I was to tackle the task of drawing all the characters in this game I'd need a smarter way of approaching it.

Ignoring this fact though I continued to tinker away trying to make some decent characters and ended with the following results I was happy with;

(Old Character Sprites)

So a couple weeks back I decided to actually sit down and create a few prefab body parts that would begin to help make characters faster. I designed a few eyes, noses and basic head shapes and designed a few hair styles for the characters based reference pictures.

The hairs had to be the bit I thought I was going to struggle on the most but I think I've created a formula that works each time pretty well.

So far I've created these parts and they've made way to some nice looking people!

The only problem then was the people these parts were created ended up having a different look to the people I'd previously created so I had to go back to the drawing board on a lot of my already established character portraits as you can see in this example;

Old Evelyn, New Evelyn, New Character Avril made from prefabs;

The most noticeable changes though had to be with the generic unit character portraits', their heads ended up looking way too small compared to all the other people.

Here's my first successful set of 11 Character portraits for the start of the game.

It feels like I might finally be making some progress in this up hill battle. These 11 are just the start out of what will no doubt be around 100+ different characters (including generics)

The actual plot for the game is still in the early stages at the moment so I haven't got any concrete plans for characters yet though I'm sure these can be shoehorned in somewhere for the time being.

As a little bonus here at the bottom; Really happy with how the little portraits look, I tired drawing separate smaller versions of the sprites but this saves so much time and looks really good.

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