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Pre-Blog Progress - Level Design and Character Portraits

Updated: Jan 12, 2022

Tile Sets;

For the first planet the game takes place on it seemed it'd be best to start with something familiar; Desert Planets! From Borderlands to Star Wars to even Mad Max, desert locations are everywhere in the gaming and movie industries. So taking reference from such sources I set out to try and design the games first tile set.

Below is a small section of the test level built out of that tile set. Its all still very up in the air in regards to whether this will be anywhere close to the final result but it serves its purpose for now... (Also animated guys!)

First draft of the tile set;

Closer to the final product;


Animated Tiles;

Additionally Lex Talionis supports animated tiles and though it was a ball ache to work because I was going about it all wrong (lol), this is the final

result of the first test;

This holds lots of exciting possibilities.


Character Designs;

Character designs was (and is) definitely a daunting task. I haven't attempted to draw this many different people and have them all look consistent.

Progress started off slow, I'm not the best at proportions at the best of times so getting something that didn't look wrong was a challenge.

<- Initially I was planning to attempt something more realistic but with little success.

So this more cartoony look seemed to turn out better and I stuck with that. Plus this would limit work load long term. ->

The first attempt at a put together character;

Multiple bodies for "modular" character creation;

First successful face attempt; Faces animated in game;

After finalising the first version of the face art style the protagonist was created "3B" as well as a more finalised version of Carl;

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