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Wild Start - Menus and Character Sprites

Updated: Jan 11, 2022

So the influence for these bodies is obvious to say the least, around the time of starting this project I'd been playing a lot of Rim World and was captivated by the idea that a version of Rim World almost the same aesthetically would make a fantastic survival game.

That being said it did take a while to actually have these sprites usable as I just sucked at anatomy. The floaty, no limb look did end up looking nice in pixel art though so though they may not be the most original I'd say these were close to being the final versions.

Male and Female bodies; Leather Armour; Cloth Armour;

These animal sprites were all very work in progress place holders that were used when creating basic unit AI.

A very weird choice of animals too, don't know what drove me to make these choices, again this style takes heavy influence from Rim Worlds art style. lol.


The menu design was only in the early stages of design when the project was abandoned but I'd say there was a clear vision of what it could have looked like in the final product. I took major influence in the design and colours used in such from Starbound, a game I have spent hundreds of hours modding.

These are more Rim World focused icons; (Jobs, Policy, Buildings respectively.)

Above was a basic idea for what the buttons on the main menu could have looked like. Once again It makes me laugh looking back because this it almost exactly what Starbound's main menu looks like.

Early HUD Concept more focused to a Rim World Style game;

Further down the line when creating the actual in game HUD, I'd say influences a most likely a combination of Minecraft and Starbound/Terraria with difference elements of each in different places.

Early Inventory Parts;

Early Crafting Menu Parts;

In game Inventory; Crafting menu concept;

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