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Character Designs

These were some of the first full player character sprites I'd ever made so setting out into this project I was a little out of my depth. But when out of my depth, starting with keeping things simple always seemed to be the best route. Especially given the fact that I was making an art style that could hopefully be replicated by the guy doing other art bits, Kavrick.

It's been 4 years since these were made so I can't remember all the details but below we have in order of appearance;

Player, Undead Player, Bandit/Adventurer, Female Elf Archer and a Marauder.

I had fully designed the sprite sheets for player movement but I sadly had no saved footage of the player moving around fully textured.

Player Sprite Sheet and Old Man Walking;


As for Enemy sprites, we'd only really just stated to branch off into designing these but we had a couple of good examples completed. most notably being the many variations of a little Goblin guy we'd nicknamed Gobbo. He ended up being a bit of a meme in the development and spawned many spin offs including Christmas Gobbo we see below, Spider Gobbo and even Baby Gobbo. Honestly making your own guys is too much power sometimes.

Sickle Gobbo, Christmas Gobbo, Sword Gobbo, Backpack Gobbo

The Hob Goblin was the only other enemy created. I designed him to be a mini boss for the start of the game and created the body out of separate parts to be puppeteered in unity rather than traditionally frame by frame animate him. I still think his design holds up quite well and is 100% one of my favourite sprites I made for this project.

Hobgoblin Parts, Hobgoblin Pieced Together

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